Posted August 25, 2021 in Press Releases
The Cleveland Research Company will lead a team of 10th grade students at Saint Martin de Porres High School in determining how to invest a $100,000 gift! Aimed at exposing students to the stock market, Cleveland Research Company professionals will connect with students on a monthly basis to teach financial literacy, review investment options, and select new investments. Upon graduation from Saint Martin, all investment profits and initial capital from the program will be shared with the students through a college scholarship.
Chris Byke, President of Cleveland Research Company said, “We couldn’t be more excited to expand our 9 year relationship with Saint Martin de Porres. This program was created out of our company’s desire to give back to Cleveland and impact the lives of young people long-term. We wanted to do more than just give a donation but also teach students important skills to be successful.”
The Cleveland Research Scholarship Program launched to Saint Martin de Porres High School’s 10th grade students this week. Monthly sessions will begin in September and continue through the end of the school year. Participants will remain in the program from 10th-12th grade and graduate from Saint Martin with college scholarships from the profits of the investment. Although the plan for the program will continue over the next 3 years, the hope is to expand the program in future years.
“This may be one of the most unique high school programs in the country!” says Chaz Napoli, President of Saint Martin de Porres High School. “It provides our students with lifelong skills and connects them to real professionals in the business. With investing, the earlier you can start the better. I’m excited to see how this knowledge could impact our students and their families for generations to come.”
About Saint Martin de Porres High School
Founded in 2003, Saint Martin de Porres is a Catholic, co-educational high school located in the St. Clair-Superior neighborhood of Cleveland. As a member of the national Cristo ReyNetwork of schools, Saint Martin is one of 37+ network high schools that uniquely integrates four years of rigorous academic curricula, four years of professional work experience, and robust support to and through college. Serving students from families of limited financial means, Saint Martin empowers students to change the trajectory of their lives through education. Learn more at
About Cleveland Research Company
Cleveland Research is an independent research firm headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio. Founded in 2006, CRC provides insight and detailed analysis into the largest companies and sectors. CRC’s independent research provides customers with the insights needed to gain conviction behind their investments and business decisions. CRC is committed to a singular focus of providing the most accurate and reliable research product through its channel research process.
For media inquiries, contact Janessa Brickman at or 216-881-1689 ext 342.