Posted January 29, 2020 in Student Newspaper
Author: Russell Krofta and Cherish Mcneil, Class of 2021
A Week In Saint Louis
Author: Russell Krofta
Over the summer months, many Saint Martin students, like junior Gabriel Rosa spent their time working.Gabriel went all the way out to Saint Louis in the hot summer for a week to learn about engineering. He spent the week doing hands-on learning about mechanical engineering, aerospace, computing, and city planning along with many other students across the country. Every day was full of learning and fun as he met new and interesting people and even got to explore the city. For him, this was a dream come true. “I feel like it was a great experience. I definitely recommend going to a summer program. You can go to new places, meet new people, and have fun” said Gabriel. He has always wanted to be a nanotech engineer and this program brought him one step closer to that dream. Nanotech's require skill with incredibly small pieces and parts and some of which he learned out in Saint Louis. This is just one of the many incredible experiences Saint Martin offers over the summer months.
A Week At John Carroll University
Author: Cherish Mcneil
Over the summer of 2019, several students had the opportunity to stay at colleges and participate in various programs of interest. One of the programs was the John Carroll's Writers Program. Janae Cunnigham was one of the three students who attended. When asked about the experience she stated, "I got the opportunity to stay there overnight for a whole week. There was a writing program that was teaching us how to better our writing skills. We mainly focused on two topics: poetry and short stories. This helped us strengthen the way we write and how to look at writing from different angles." She seemed to really enjoy this program and even recommended that others should also go, "Yes, I would love to go back and I would recommend this to someone else. It’s fun leaving the house for a whole week and meeting new people from different schools. Collaborating with them on our styles of writings and the positive criticism of being a better writer was very enjoyable. I hope next summer I can go back again." Cunningham enjoyed making many friends and meeting new people. Hopefully this summer she can engage in the exciting experience once more along with other students who are interested.