Posted October 25, 2019 in Articles
It's hard to believe Phase I of our new school building has been open since April 2018! With innovative design and technology, this new building (and their work in our St. Vitus building) has exceeded our expectations from day one. With help from partners like Trane, we have been able to provide the best HVAC systems for our builidings that give us over 30% in energy savings.
But we can't stop at Phase I! With overwhelming early support and continued momentum, Saint Martin is excited to announce that we have raised over 80% of our $12.5M Phase II Capital Campaign goal! With plans to break ground to complete the second half of our new building in Spring of 2020, our campus master plan will build on the outstanding outcomes we're already seeing as a result of Phase I. This plan not only includes uniting our upper and underclassmen under one roof but also a chapel, center for wellness, outdoor learning spaces, and more.
If you are interested in touring Phase I of our new building or would like to learn more about our Phase II Step Along the Way Campaign, please contact Laura Rayburn at 216-361-0003 or